"Hypnosis can be used to help you gain control over undesired behaviors or to help you cope better with anxiety or pain. Hypnosis that's conducted by a trained therapist or health care professional is considered a safe, complementary and alternative medical treatment."
-Mayo Clinic
Did you know that every thought you think creates every emotion you feel?
Music is a perfect example. Just listen to an old song. It takes you back to a specific moment in time. At once, you remember exactly how you felt, precisely where you were, what you were doing, and with whom. Emotions that evoke happiness, sadness, excitement, and more are immediately a part of you and your sensitivity.
If a song can do that, how does everyday life affect your view of the world?
Our minds are so powerful, that some people find it almost impossible to change habits or beliefs about themselves. We become unhappy and remain stuck in one place, forever repeating the same mistakes and wondering why we continue to have the same experiences in our lives.
Why is it so hard to change?
Most of our behavior occurs beneath our level of awareness. In other words, we react to situations prompted by our subconscious mind. The conscious mind, which makes up our logic, reason, and willpower, is approximately 12% of our mind power.
The Subconscious mind makes up approximately 88% of our mind power. It is here, our learned behaviors and associations drive our actions, decisions, and limitations. This is your movie, your life script.
The subconscious mind remembers all our past experiences. Whether it is a good or bad memory, it is still familiar, therefore making it harder to change old patterns and beliefs.
The notion that the conscious mind is leading your life is an illusion. The subconscious mind is much more powerful. It secretly leads your life to destinations that your conscious mind may not be aware of or even like.
Hypnosis is a heightened state of suggestibility that we all experience from varying degrees on a daily basis. Have you ever missed your off-ramp while driving on the freeway because you were “in deep thought”? What about that drowsy relaxation you experience immediately before going to sleep or upon awakening? Have you ever been deeply engrossed in a book or movie or when you are surfing the web? It is during these periods that our subconscious mind is extremely open and receptive to suggestions coming from our own thoughts or from other people.
Hypnosis can be a powerful tool to help you with issues such as... self-confidence, motivation, reducing stress, anger management, frustration, Reduced anxiety, stop smoking, weight loss, past life regression, focus, procrastination, test anxiety, career success, writer’s block, surgical recovery, pain management, fears & phobias, meeting your spirit guides & loved ones who have crossed over.
Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique that has been used for many years by health professionals to help individuals resolve problems and reach their goals. It involves the use of hypnotic suggestion to induce a hypnotic state, which is a focused and relaxed state of awareness in which an individual's attention can be readily influenced.
The health benefits of hypnotherapy have been studied extensively over the last few decades, and there is now plenty of evidence to support its effectiveness in treating a variety of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, stress, PTSD, and phobias. Additionally, hypnotherapy has been shown to be effective in helping people with physical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic pain, and smoking cessation.
Professional hypnotherapists use hypnotic suggestions to help individuals achieve the desired outcomes of the therapy. The process involves the therapist creating a safe and trusting environment in which they will talk to the client about their specific concerns. They then work with the client to explore their thoughts, feelings and behaviors related to these issues. During this exploration process, the therapist will also introduce hypnotic suggestions that are tailored specifically for each individual’s needs. These suggestions can be used to change thought processes and behaviors, as well as create new beliefs that can be helpful in achieving goals such as smoking cessation or managing pain levels.
The therapeutic effects of hypnosis are due largely to its ability to focus attention. This focused attention allows the therapist to bypass the patient's conscious mind and make suggestions directly to their subconscious, which can then be used to help the patient achieve their desired mental or physical outcomes.
Overall, hypnosis is an effective form of therapy that has been proven to provide positive health benefits when used by trained professionals. It is a highly individualized approach that helps individuals focus their attention on positive outcomes while simultaneously bypassing the conscious resistance often experienced with other forms of treatment.
Hypnotherapy is simply combining the powerful effect of hypnosis in a safe environment with a skilled, understanding, certified hypnotherapist. The first step is to discuss your goals and desires with your Hypnotherapist and together agree on a therapeutic approach. While under hypnosis, your Hypnotherapist will work with your subconscious mind to support the agreed-upon goals.
During the hypnotic session, you are not asleep. In fact, your mind is quite alert and you are very in tuned with all that is happening around you. Your senses are heightened and you are able to concentrate on what the Hypnotherapist is saying. Everything that occurs during your Hypnotherapy session can be recalled. You will leave feeling refreshed and alert with a wonderful sense of well-being.
What is a Hypnotherapist?
A therapist who utilizes hypnosis as a primary tool for assisting clients to achieve their goals. A Hypnotherapist often differs from others therapists by focusing on the role of subconscious behaviors and influences on the client's life.
In essence, a Hypnotherapist is a Life Coach skilled with the power of Hypnosis.
It is important for you to choose a well-trained Hypnotherapist. Do not hesitate to ask where the Hypnotherapist attended school. Was it a college or a weekend class? This information could be a critical factor in the results you may have in hypnosis sessions.
As for myself, I am proud to say that I graduated from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a highly accredited college in the United States. Not only am I a graduate, I am also on staff as an instructor, Mentor, and clinical Hypnotherapist.
What happens during a hypnosis session?
The following sessions are for one hour.
During the first session, I get to know you and how you think. We discuss what you would like to work on and how to get results quickly and effectively. You will experience how good hypnosis, imagery or energy balancing feels and that you are truly in control the entire time
You will never bark like a dog or quack like a duck in my office. If you wanted, you could get up and walk out during the session. However, that has never happened. It feels so good to be in Hypnosis that my clients wish they could stay in hypnosis longer. The hypnotic part of the session last approximately twenty minutes.
*** You receive an MP3 download of the Hypnotic part of the session. I am very excited to offer you a high studio-quality recording. In fact, if you are in my office, you get to experience the session being recorded at the same time...with headphones!! It is the ultimate hypnotic experience and you get to experience it again and again. I am using special music technology and binaural beats to really take you into a deep trance. Each recording is created just for you!***
This gives you the opportunity to move quicker through the issue at hand. Many clients listen to the session a few more times to really allow the suggestions to be impressed upon the subconscious mind. Also, because it feels good! I am a big believer in providing this for my clients and they love it.
The first session is not always recorded.
How many sessions will you need?
You will know as the session progresses. Typically you would want at least two or three. It could be one or ten. A Hypnotherapist can never really tell you the exact amount of sessions. Only you will know the answer. It also depends on how many things you want to work on.
Whether it’s building up self-confidence, losing weight, stopping smoking, getting past fears and phobias, or easing depression and anxiety, etc, …if you have the desire to change, I believe you can. It is choosing to make the commitment and taking the right steps for the change you desire to occur.
Do phone or Zoom sessions really work?
Absolutely! Phone or Zoom sessions are highly effective just like you are in my office. I have clients across the world who love their phone/Zoom sessions. First, we discuss what you want to work on for approximately 40 minutes. Once we hang up, I record the session and send you the file within the hour.
NOTE: Hypnotherapists are not licensed healing arts practitioners. Some medical conditions require doctor’s referral.